Monday, February 27, 2012

Open Architectures

Why do some contact center vendors have proprietary architectures? Working with clients it is hard to believe that there are still integration challenges between vendors. Why is that? From a technological standpoint, integration is not impossibility. If vendors would open up their architectures and collaborate with each other, customers would be the winners. Instead what we have is a vendor centric point of view. One in which the vendor adamantly protects their platform. Vendors operate under the belief that if they open up their architecture they will lose their install base of customers to their competitors. The problem with this thinking is that many businesses elect a multi-vendor approach. What results in this scenario is a loss for all involved. The new platform is installed, issues arise and everyone points a finger at the other guy. Eventually, the problems are solved but my point is that these installations could be painless and the issues avoided altogether. If a vendor truly had his customers best interest in mind, they would open up their platforms to provide a customer centric business model.

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